Tips and Advice on How to Make Your Dental Veneers Last Longer

Tips and Advice on How to Make Your Dental Veneers Last Longer from Rohrbach Family Dentistry in Pottstown, PADental veneers are an investment. Getting these restorations is a significant decision. The permanence of having these shells on your teeth needs commitment. Knowing how to make these restorations last longer can help motivate you to care for them even more. Here are some advice and tips on how to make your dental veneers last longer.

Have regular dental visits

Keep dental appointments. These will help care for the dental veneers and keep them in position. The dentist can check if the shells are in need of replacements. Spotting any problems can lead to quick treatments. This can prevent more extensive and expensive dental treatments in the future.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush

Regular brushing is necessary for maintaining dental veneers. It keeps food particles and stains away. Hard bristles can scratch the surfaces of the shells. Soft bristles can clean the teeth and dental veneers without harming the restorations.

Stop smoking

Tobacco affects the bonding material that attaches the veneers to the treated teeth. This substance can also damage the gums and jawbone. If the bonding material weakens, the veneers might detach. In some cases, the dentist may need to remove the veneers. That way, the natural tooth structure underneath can receive treatment.

Refrain from eating hard foods

It can be tempting to eat crunchy or hard foods, especially if the dentist has repaired the damaged teeth. But eating these foods can chip or break the shells. If the shells crack or chip off, repairs will not be possible. The dentist must replace the damaged shells.

Stop bruxism

This condition involves teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Bruxism can destroy natural teeth. It can also damage the custom shells. The dentist can help the veneers last longer by creating a custom nightguard for the patient.

Stay away from staining foods

Dark-colored drinks, such as wine and coffee, have pigments that can discolor the dental veneers. The color can stain the bonding material and shells. The individual’s smile can deteriorate because of these foods and drinks. If one cannot avoid consuming them, brushing the shells right away can prevent the colors from sticking to them.

Refrain from using teeth as a tool

Teeth should only be for smiling, speaking, and eating. Resist using teeth to open packages and bottles. Using teeth for these purposes can crack the veneers. These activities can also encourage bacteria to enter the mouth.

Practice good dental habits

Proper care and maintenance can help dental veneers last for a long time. These practices can also keep the natural teeth healthy. Brushing for two minutes at least twice each day and flossing before bedtime can help dental veneers last for a long time. Being mindful of what to eat can also prevent constant veneer replacements.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Veneers and Dental Laminates in Pottstown, PA

Prolonging the life span of your dental veneers will help you maximize the use of these restorations

Dental restorations, such as dental veneers, can improve your appearance and dental health. These thin shells can cover up many dental imperfections. They can even repair some degree of dental damage. Working with your dentist and following the mentioned tips and advice can help your veneers last for a long time.

Request an appointment or call Rohrbach Family Dentistry at 610-323-6086 for an appointment in our Pottstown office.

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